In a previous post we covered retro ads from a simpler time that were among the creepiest I've ever seen. (Click here to see that post) Let's now take a look at some ads that were done in a time when it was considered a man's world and women were here only to serve men, be a perfect wife, do all the house work, try not to do stupid things and always be fresh and pretty regardless of what they were doing.
We all know that not only does such a Utopia not exist (I'm kidding ladies) but in retrospect, the people behind the creative direction of these ads really missed the mark not only conceptually but the ad wording (or copy in technical terms) is just plain awful. Clearly, these ads were designed by men, written by men, sold by men and bought by men.
"Husbands admire wives who keep their stockings perfect." I love how this ad implies that being married is no reason for a woman to let herself go and should always look her best. Especially since the guy took the trouble to put on a suit and tie to read the paper while she knits. What's going through his mind? "What's this? A run in Jane's stockings? Could I have married the wrong woman?!? How many more years before divorce becomes an acceptable society norm?!?!?"
We all know that not only does such a Utopia not exist (I'm kidding ladies) but in retrospect, the people behind the creative direction of these ads really missed the mark not only conceptually but the ad wording (or copy in technical terms) is just plain awful. Clearly, these ads were designed by men, written by men, sold by men and bought by men.
"Husbands admire wives who keep their stockings perfect." I love how this ad implies that being married is no reason for a woman to let herself go and should always look her best. Especially since the guy took the trouble to put on a suit and tie to read the paper while she knits. What's going through his mind? "What's this? A run in Jane's stockings? Could I have married the wrong woman?!? How many more years before divorce becomes an acceptable society norm?!?!?"
You really don't need to read beyond the lead line to know where this ad is going. The copy goes on to say that the beauty photographed in the picture is "stacked and endowed" with the most refined developments for culinary perfection. I'll bet it is. Of course they are talking about the appliance but the double play on words is typical for the ads in the late 60s and early 70s.
So to recap, in the 70s, cooking was what wives were for.........and they better not have a run in their stockings while they are cooking and whatever they knit better not be in weird colors damn it!
Forget Victoria's Secret or a day at the spa - if you want your woman to look better, simply give her more to do around the house. Oh, she also needs vitamins apparently.
Thank god Delmonte made a ketchup bottle that woman could open when their men weren't around. Although how the heck is she supposed to open the mustard and relish? Were women condemned to have ketchup as the only condiment option when their men weren't around? The woman in the ad looks so shocked and thrilled she's liable to start putting ketchup on everything. Why? Because she can!!!!!
Apparently men were too stupid to operate Telex machines back in the day but they sure knew how to hire sweet operators. By the way, the price for the glorified word processor in the picture started at $6800. To contrast, I'm pretty sure my toaster has more processing power and it only cost $28 and it wasn't even a sale!
Newflash - if you have 14 fingernails, a dirty oven is the least of your concerns. You'll never get people to stop staring and good luck finding a decent pair of gloves. Also note the puke green color of the oven that was actually a very popular color for appliances at one time. Although I think they called it something nicer than puke green. Having said that, judging by the content of these ads, you never know.